Centre for Paediatric Medicine / Women´s Clinic Paediatrics 2 – General and Special Paediatrics

The spectrum of services provided by the centre Paediatrics 2 (at the Olgahospital) encompasses the specialties of general paediatrics, infectiology, nephrology, endocrinology and metabolic disorders. Furthermore we treat children and adolescents with diseases in the fields of gastroenterology, rheumatology and general paediatrics according to the latest available knowledge. Our clinic also comprises the interdiciplinary admission ward of the Olgahospital, “PINA”, where nearly 4,000 children are attended to each year.

Even in the field of paediatric rheumatology and gastroenterology, we treat children inpatiently or outpatiently visiting our experienced specialists from far away. Further emphasis at this clinic lie in the disciplines of nephrology and endocrinology – with the treatment of children and adolescents affected by diabetes mellitus.

The centre Paediatrics 2 is recognised by the Working Group for Paedatric Nephrology as a dialysis and transplantation centre for children and adolescents with kidney disorders. This clinic is also fully certified (by the Working Group for Paediatric Endocrinology as well as by the Working Group for Paediatric Diabetology) to itself conduct training continuing education courses in these specialties. We were certified by The German Diabetes Society (DDG) as an outpatient and inpatient centre for children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus. 

Medical Director, paed. 5a

Dr. Axel Enninger

Ärztlicher Direktor

Dr. Axel Enninger

Telefon: 0711 278 72410

E-Mail: a.enninger@klinikum-stuttgart.de

About us

  • General paediatrics with interdisciplinary admission ward PINA
  • Rheumatology during childhood and adolescence
  • Gastroenterology during childhood and adolescence
  • Infectiology
  • Nephrology
  • Diabetology
  • Endocrinology
  • Metabolic Disorders
  • Special consultation for rheumatology, gastroenterology and oesophageal atresia
  • Alpha 1 centre in cooperation with Paediatrics 3
  • Implemented sonography as a part of rheumatism consultation
  • Transition consultation rheumatology: in cooperation with two rheumatologists for adults, the adolescents are well informed about care of rheumatology in adults (appropriate to their age)
  • Kidney transplants in co-operation with the Transplantation Centre at the Katharinenhospital
  • Haemodialysis
  • Peritoneal dialysis
  • Lipid apheresis
  • Diabetes education and therapy centre for children and adolescents
  • Diagnostics of gastrooesophageal reflux disease by impedance measuring 
  • Alpha 1 centre
  • SCN-register: International register for severe chronic neutropenia
  • WIL-Qol: Examination of life quality and clinical situations in patients with Von Willebrand’s syndrome
  • ICON: Early cohort of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Rheumatism Research Centre Berlin
  • CEData: Long-term patient documentation of children and adolescents with chronically inflammatory bowel diseases (study centre: Universitätskinderklinik Gießen/Gießen Paediatric University Clinic)
  • Prevention of severe hypoglycaemia by sensor-supported discontinuation of insulin supply with a Paradigm VEO™ system
  • Prospectives multi-centre register on the prevalence, risk factors and outcome of febrile urinary tract infections following kidney transplantation
  • Incidence of Type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents of less than 15 years
  • Genetic and environmental factors in the pathogenesis of Type 1 diabetes mellitus
  • Psychsocial effects of insulin pump therapy on families of children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus Type 1 (PUMPKIN)
  • Active HUS (haemolytic uraemic syndrome) - surveillance
  • Central data collection of all children and adolescents with chronically inflammatory bowel diseases in CEData
  • Main documentation of all children and adolescents with rheumatic diseases
  • Monitoring of Etanercept and Methotrexat treatment in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
  • Certified children dialysis centre (Society for Paediatric Nephrology)
  • Telematics platform for medical research networking (kidney transplantation during childhood)
  • BQS kidney transplantation
  • Continuing education centre for paediatric nephrology
  • Continuing education centre for paediatric endocrinology and diabetology
  • Certification as educational and treatment facility for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (German Diabetes Society)
  • DPV – Diabetes software for prospective progression documentation (performed by the German Diabetes Society)
  • Participation in the DMP programme for children
2015 2016 2017
41 41 41 Available Beds, inpatient
7.948 8.173 7.898 Inpatient Cases
1.4 1.4 1.5 Length of stay in days
2015 2016 2017
1.932 2.221 1.802 Gastroenterology
1.410 1.385 1.480 Rheumatology
1.400 1.551 1.617 Outpatient diabetes treatments
n/a 2.278 2.171 Nephrology, endocrinology, metabolism
350 500 888 Peritoneal dialysises
900 700 494 Haemodialysises


Paediatrics 2 (General and Special Paediatrics)

Klinikum Stuttgart
Olgahospital / Frauenklinik
Kriegsbergstrasse 62
70174 Stuttgart

Telephone +49 (0)711 278-72411
Telefax +49 (0)711 278-72419
E-Mail a.enninger@klinikum-stuttgart.de