Klinik für Hämatologie, Onkologie, Stammzelltransplantation und Palliativmedizin

Publikationen und Studien


Studien "Solide Tumore"

  • ACO/ARO/AIO-18.1: Kurzzeit-Radiotherapie versus Radiochemotherapie, gefolgt von konsolidierender Chemotherapie und selektivem Organerhalt für Patienten mit MRT-definierten intermediären und Hoch-Risiko-Rektumkarzinom
  • ADRISK: Postoperative adjuvant radio chemo therapy (aRCH) with Cisplatin © versus aRCH with C and Pembrolizumab (P) in locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC); multicenter randomized Phase II study within the German interdisciplinary study group of German Cancer Society (IAG KHT); Pembro-Adjuvant-highRisk
  • BREAK-B5: Breaking the big Five Barriers of Brain Metastasis (Break B5-BM NSCLC Trial): A prospective phase II, open-label, multi-center trial of combined nivolumab, ipilimumab and bevacizumab together with 2 cycles of induction chemotherapy in patients with non-squamous non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) metastatic to the brain.
  • CARAT: Clinical Research Platform On Urologic Cancer Treatment And Outcome
  • CIRCULATE: Evaluierung der adjuvanten Therapie beim Dickdarmkrebs im Stadium II nach ctDNA-Bestimmung (CIRCULATE) AIO-KRK-0217
    Circulating tumour DNA based decision for adjuvant treatment in colon cancer stage II evaluation (CIRCULATE) AIO-KRK-0217
    Investigator-initiated, multicentre, prospective, randomised, controlled study outcome
  • COLOPREDICT BNT: Epidemiologische Studie zur Bestimmung der Prävalenz von ctDNA-Positivität bei Teilnehmern mit CRC im Stadium II (hohes Risiko) oder Stadium III nach Operation mit kurativer (R0) Absicht und anschließender adjuvanter Chemotherapie mit Überwachung von ctDNA während der klinischen Nachsorge.
  • COLOPREDICT Register: Register Retro- und prospektive Erfassung der Rolle von MSI und KRAS für die Prognose beim Kolonkarzinom im Stadium I, II + III und und hochsitzendem Rektumkarzinom im Stadium I + II + III (prospektiv)
  • COSS-Register: Weiterführung der Registrierung von Knochensarkompatienten in das Register der Cooperativen Osteosarkomstudiengruppe (COSS)
  • CRISP: Clinical Research platform Into molecular testing, treatment and outcome of (Non-)Small cell lung carcinoma Patients
  • FINN: Eine deutschlandweite, prospektive, multizentrische Beobachtungsstudie der Erstlininientherapie mit Nivolumab und Ipilimumab in Kombination mit zwei Zyklen Chemotherapie bei Patienten mit metastasiertem nicht-kleinzelligem Lungenkarzinom (FINN)
  • FIRE-9-PORT: AIO-KRK-0418: Post-resection therapy with mFOLFOXIRI in patients with colorectal cancer (PORT)
    Post-resection/ablation chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
  • FOCUS-UV 1: Phase-II-Studie mit Pembrolizumab allein oder in Kombination mit dem UV1-Krebsimpfstoff bei Patienten mit rezidivierendem oder metastasiertem PD-L1-positivem (CPS≥1) Plattenepithelkarzinom im Kopf- Halsbereich
  • FOOTPATH: Eine randomisierte Multicenterstudie der Phase II zur Ermittlung des optimalen Chemotherapieregimes in der Erstlinientherapie von Patienten mit metastasiertem Pankreaskarzinom (FOOTPATH)
  • iEuroEwing Registry: Internationales Euro Ewing Register
  • EFACT (Ewing-Reg.): EFACT Biomaterialsammlung CESS-Biobank-Box im Ewing-Register
  • INGA: Eine nationale, prospektive, nicht-interventionelle Studie (NIS) zu Nivolumab plus Chemotherapie in der Erstlinienbehandlung von erwachsenen Patienten mit HER2-negativen fortgeschrittenen oder metastasierten Adenokarzinome des Magens, des gastroösophagealen Übergangs oder des Ösophagus, deren Tumoren PD-L1 (Combined Positive Score [CPS] ≥ 5) exprimieren (NIS INGA)
  • Lung AID Pilot: Lung Artificial Intelligence-enabled Digital solution Pilot Study for the randomized controlled trial Q-AID Lung (Pilot Study Lung AID)
  • ON-TARGET: Nicht-interventionelle Studie zum Therapeutischen Drug Monitoring (TDM) bei Patienten mit Nierenzellkarzinom sowie zur Untersuchung der Praxistauglichkeit der VAMS-Technologie für die Probengewinnung
  • PACE ACE: Paclitaxel plus cetuximab for the treatment of recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck cancer after first-line checkpoint inhibitor failure: a multicenter single arm study
  • RAMIRIS: Ramucirumab plus Irinotecan / Leucovorin / 5-FU versus Ramucirumab plus Paclitaxel in patients with advanced or metastatic adenocarcinoma of the stomach or gastroesophageal junction, who failed one prior line of palliative chemotherapy - The Phase II/III RAMIRIS STUDY

Siehe auch Stuttgarter Cancer Center (SCC)

Studien "Hämatologische Systemerkrankung"

  • ALLY: Befragung zum Langzeitüberleben bei Patienten*innen mit einer Lymphomerkrankung – Eine multizentrische Studie zur Rückkehr ins Arbeitsleben und zur Lebensqualität
  • AMLSG 28-18: A Phase 3, Multicenter, open-label, Randomized, Study of ilteritinib versus midostaurin in Combination with Induction and Consolidation Therapy followed by one-year maintenance in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) or myelodysplastic syndromes with excess blasts-2 (MDS-EB2) with FLT3 Mutations Eligible for Intensive Chemotherapy
  • AMLSG 30-18: „Randomized Phase  III Study of Standard Intensive Chemotherapy versus Intensive Chemotherapy with CPX-351 in Adult Patients with Newly Diagnosed AML and Intermediate- or Adverse Genetics“
  • AMLSG BIO-Register: Registerstudie zum biologischen Erkrankungsprofil und klinischen Verlauf bei der akuten myeloischen Leukämie und verwandten Vorläufer-Neoplasien und der akuten Leukämie unklarer Linienzugehörigkeit: Das AMLSG Biology and Outcome (BiO)-Projekt
  • COPA-R-Chop: A prospective multicenter phase 2 study of the combination of the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase inhibitor copanlisib in combination with rituximab and CHOP chemotherapy (COPA-R-CHOP) in patients with previously untreated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
  • Follikuläres Lymphomregister: Nicht-interventionelles prospektives Register zu Epidemiologie und Behandlungspraxis bei Marginalzonenlymphomen und follikulären Lymphomen
  • GMALL 08/2013: Therapieoptimierung bei erwachsenen Patienten mit neu diagnostizierter akuter lymphatischer Leukämie (ALL) oder lymphoblastischem Lymphom (LBL) durch individualisierte, gezielte und intensivierte Therapie; eine Phase IV-Studie mit einem Phase III-Teil zur Evaluation der Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit von Nelarabin bei T-ALL
  • GMALL-Evolve: A multicentre, randomized trial in adults with de novo PhiladelphiaChromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia to assess the efficacy of ponatinib versus imatinib in combination with low-intensity chemotherapy, to compare subsequent allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) versus TKI in combination with blinatumomab and chemotherapy in optimal responders and to evaluate blinatumomab before SCT in suboptimal responders
  • GMALL-Register: GMALL-Register u. Biomaterialbank
  • GO41944 / StarGlo: A Phase III, open-label, multicenter, randomized Study evaluating the efficacy and safety of Glofitamab in combination with Gemcitabine plus Oxaliplatin versus Rituximab in combination with Gemcitabine and Oxaliplatin in Patients with relapsed/refractory diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
  • GOAL II: A prospective, multicenter randomized phase II trial investigating Gemcitabine/Oxaliplatin/Rituximab with or without Mor208 for patients with relapsed/refractory aggressive lymphoma
  • HD 21: Therapieoptimierungsstudie (randomisierte Phase III-Studie) für Patienten mit Erstdiagnose eines fortgeschrittenen klassischen Hodgkin Lymphoms.
  • iVAC-L-CLL01: Patient-individualized peptide vaccination in combination with lenalidomide after first line therapy of CLL
  • Marginalzonen-Lymphom-Register: Nicht-interventionelles prospektives Register zu Epidemiologie und Behandlungspraxis bei Marginalzonenlymphomen
  • NIVEAU: Improvement of Outcome in Elderly Patients or Patients not eligible for high-dose chemotherapy with Aggressive Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in first Relapse or Progression by adding Nivolumab to Gemcitabine, Oxaliplatin plus Rituximab in case of CD20+ Disease, DSHNHL 2015-1
  • OptiMATe: De-escalated induction treatment in newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma – a randomized phase III trial
  • Pola-R-ICE: An open-label, prospective Phase III clinical study to compare polatuzumab vedotin plus rituximab, ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide (Pola-R-ICE) with rituximab, ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide (R-ICE) alone as salvage therapy in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) at first progression or relapse
  • PTLD Register: Nichtinterventionelle, prospektive Registerstudie zur Behandlungspraxis der PTLD in der klinischen Routine (Deutschland 2006-2010)

Siehe auch Stuttgarter Cancer Center (SCC)

Publikationen 2019

Schmitt AM, Herbrand AK, Fox CP, Bakunina K, Bromberg JEC, Cwynarski K, Doorduijn JK, Ferreri AJM, Illerhaus G, Issa S, Schorb E, Zucca E, Hemkens LG, Schandelmaier S, Kasenda B.
Rituximab in primary central nervous system lymphoma-A systematic review and meta-analysis
Hematol Oncol. 2019 Aug

 Al-Batran SE, Homann N, Pauligk C, Goetze TO, Meiler J, Kasper S, Kopp HG, Mayer F, Haag GM, Luley K, Lindig U, Schmiegel W, Pohl M, Stoehlmacher J, Folprecht G, Probst S, Prasnikar N, Fischbach W, Mahlberg R, Trojan J, Koenigsmann M, Martens UM, Thuss-Patience P, Egger M, Block A, Heinemann V, Illerhaus G, Moehler M, Schenk M, Kullmann F, Behringer DM, Heike M, Pink D, Teschendorf C, Löhr C, Bernhard H, Schuch G, Rethwisch V, von Weikersthal LF, Hartmann JT, Kneba M, Daum S, Schulmann K, Weniger J, Belle S, Gaiser T, Oduncu FS, Güntner M, Hozaeel W, Reichart A, Jäger E, Kraus T, Mönig S, Bechstein WO, Schuler M, Schmalenberg H, Hofheinz RD; FLOT4-AIO Investigators
Perioperative chemotherapy with fluorouracil plus leucovorin, oxaliplatin, and docetaxel versus fluorouracil or capecitabine plus cisplatin and epirubicin for locally advanced, resectable gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (FLOT4): a randomized, phase 2/3 trial
Lancet. 2019 May

Schorb E, Finke J, Ihorst G, Kasenda B, Fricker H, Illerhaus G.
Age-adjusted high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplant in elderly and fit primary CNS lymphoma patients
BMC Cancer. 2019 Mar

Schorb E, Illerhaus G, Finke J.
Current Treatment Standards in PCNSL
Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2019 Feb

Kasenda B, Illerhaus G.
CNS border posts against rituximab?
Lancet Oncol. 2019 Jan

Publikationen 2018

von Baumgarten L, Illerhaus G, Korfel A, Schlegel U, Deckert M, Dreyling M.
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary CNS Lymphoma
Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2018 Jun

Brandt A, Matschke J, Fehrle W, von Wenserski L, Bokemeyer C, Illerhaus G, Binder M.
A significant proportion of patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma harbor clonal bone marrow B-cells
Leuk Lymphoma. 2018 Jul

Illerhaus G, Schorb E, Kasenda B.
Novel agents for primary central nervous system lymphoma: evidence and perspectives
Blood. 2018 Aug

Thurner L, Preuss KD, Bewarder M, Kemele M, Fadle N, Regitz E, Altmeyer S, Schormann C, Poeschel V, Ziepert M, Walter S, Roth P, Weller M, Szczepanowski M, Klapper W, Monoranu C, Rosenwald A, Möller P, Hartmann S, Hansmann ML, Mackensen A, Schäfer H, Schorb E, Illerhaus G, Buslei R, Bohle RM, Stilgenbauer S, Kim YJ, Pfreundschuh M.
Hyper N-glycosylated SAMD14 and neurabin-I as driver CNS autoantigens of PCNSL
Blood. 2018 Sep

Publikationen 2017

Fritsch K, Kasenda B, Schorb E, Hau P, Bloehdorn J, Möhle R, Löw S, Binder M, Atta J, Keller U, Wolf HH, Krause SW, Heß G, Naumann R, Sasse S, Hirt C, Lamprecht M, Martens U, Morgner A, Panse J, Frickhofen N, Röth A, Hader C, Deckert M, Fricker H, Ihorst G, Finke J, Illerhaus G.
High-dose methotrexate-based immuno-chemotherapy for elderly primary CNS lymphoma patients (PRIMAIN study).
Leukemia. 2017 Apr;31(4):846-852.

Laquente B, Lopez-Martin J, Richards D, Illerhaus G, Chang DZ, Kim G, Stella P, Richel D, Szcylik C, Cascinu S, Frassineti GL, Ciuleanu T, Hurt K, Hynes S, Lin J, Lin AB, Von Hoff D, Calvo E.
A phase II study to evaluate LY2603618 in combination with gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer patients.
BMC Cancer. 2017 Feb 15;17(1):137.

Schorb E, Fox CP, Fritsch K, Isbell L, Neubauer A, Tzalavras A, Witherall R, Choquet S, Kuittinen O, De-Silva D, Cwynarski K, Houillier C, Hoang-Xuan K, Touitou V, Cassoux N, Marolleau JP, Tamburini J, Houot R, Delwail V, Illerhaus G, Soussain C, Kasenda B.
High-dose thiotepa-based chemotherapy with autologous stem cell support in elderly patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma: a European retrospective study.
Bone Marrow Transplant. 2017 Aug;52(8):1113-1119.

Al-Batran SE, Homann N, Pauligk C, Illerhaus G, Martens UM, Stoehlmacher J, Schmalenberg H, Luley KB, Prasnikar N, Egger M, Probst S, Messmann H, Moehler M, Fischbach W, Hartmann JT, Mayer F, Höffkes HG, Koenigsmann M, Arnold D, Kraus TW, Grimm K, Berkhoff S, Post S, Jäger E, Bechstein W, Ronellenfitsch U, Mönig S, Hofheinz RD.
Effect of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection on Survival in Patients With Limited Metastatic Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer: The AIO-FLOT3 Trial.
JAMA Oncol. 2017 Sep 1;3(9):1237-1244

Kasenda B, Ihorst G, Schroers R, Korfel A, Schmidt-Wolf I, Egerer G, von Baumgarten L, Röth A, Bloehdorn J, Möhle R, Binder M, Keller U, Lamprecht M, Pfreundschuh M, Valk E, Fricker H, Schorb E, Fritsch K, Finke J, Illerhaus G.
High-dose chemotherapy with autologous haematopoietic stem cell support for relapsed or refractory primary CNS lymphoma: a prospective multicentre trial by the German Cooperative PCNSL study group.
Leukemia. 2017 Dec;31(12):2623-2629.   

Ferreri AJM, Cwynarski K, Pulczynski E, Fox CP, Schorb E, La Rosée P, Binder M, Fabbri A, Torri V, Minacapelli E, Falautano M, Ilariucci F, Ambrosetti A, Roth A, Hemmaway C, Johnson P, Linton KM, Pukrop T, Sønderskov Gørløv J, Balzarotti M, Hess G, Keller U, Stilgenbauer S, Panse J, Tucci A, Orsucci L, Pisani F, Levis A, Krause SW, Schmoll HJ, Hertenstein B, Rummel M, Smith J, Pfreundschuh M, Cabras G, Angrilli F, Ponzoni M, Deckert M, Politi LS, Finke J, Reni M, Cavalli F, Zucca E, Illerhaus G; International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group (IELSG).
Whole-brain radiotherapy or autologous stem-cell transplantation as consilodation strategies after high-dose methotrexate-based chemoimmunotherapy in patients with primary CNS lymphoma: results of the second randomisation of the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group-32 phase 3 trial.
Lancet Haematol. 2017 Nov;4(11):e510-e523.

Publikationen 2016

Fritsch K, Kasenda B, Schorb E, Hau P, Bloehdorn J, Möhle R, Löw S, Binder M, Atta J, Keller U, Wolf HH, Krause SW, Heß G, Naumann R, Sasse S, Hirt C, Lamprecht M, Martens U, Morgner A, Panse J, Frickhofen N, Röth A, Hader C, Deckert M, Fricker H, Ihorst G, Finke J, Illerhaus G.
High-dose methotrexate-based immuno-chemotherapy for elderly primary CNS lymphoma patients (PRIMAIN study).
Leukemia. 2016 Dec

Al-Batran SE, Hofheinz RD, Pauligk C, Kopp HG, Haag GM, Luley KB, Meiler J, Homann N, Lorenzen S, Schmalenberg H, Probst S, Koenigsmann M, Egger M, Prasnikar N, Caca K, Trojan J, Martens UM, Block A, Fischbach W, Mahlberg R, Clemens M, Illerhaus G, Zirlik K, Behringer DM, Schmiegel W, Pohl M, Heike M, Ronellenfitsch U, Schuler M, Bechstein WO, Königsrainer A, Gaiser T, Schirmacher P, Hozaeel W, Reichart A, Goetze TO, Sievert M, Jäger E, Mönig S, Tannapfel A.
Histopathological regression after neoadjuvant docetaxel, oxaliplatin, fluorouracil, and leucovorin versus prirubicin, cisplatin, and fluorouracil or capecitabine in patients with resectable gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (FLOT4-AIO): results from the phase 2 part of a multicentre, open-lable, randomised phase 2/3 trial.
Lancet Oncol. 2016 Dec

Gerald Illerhaus, Benjamin Kasenda, Gabriele Ihorst, Gerlinde Egerer, Monika Lamprecht, Ulrich Keller, Hans-Heinrich Wolf, Carsten Hirt, Stephan Stilgenbauer, Mascha Binder, Peter Hau, Matthias Edinger, Norbert Frickhofen, Martin Bentz, Robert Möhle, Alexander Röth, Michael Pfreundschuh, Louisa von Baumgarten, Martina Deckert, Claudia Hader, Heidi Fricker, Elke Valk, Elisabeth Schorb, Kristina Fritsch, Jürgen Finke
High-dose chemotherapy with autologous haemopoietic stem cell transplantation for newly diagnosed primary CNS-lymphoma: a prospective, single-arm, phase 2 trial
Lancet Haematology 2016 Jul
Vitolo U, Seymour JF, Martelli M, Illerhaus G, Illidge T, Zucca E, Campo E, Ladetto M; ESMO Guidelines Committee
Extranodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.
Ann Oncol. 2016 Jul 4

Kasenda B, Loeffler J, Illerhaus G, Ferreri AJ, Rubenstein J, Batchelor TT
The role of whole brain radiation in primary CNS lymphoma.
Blood. 2016 Jul 7

Ferreri AJ, Cwynarski K, Pulczynski E, Ponzoni M, Deckert M, Politi LS, Torri V, Fox CP, Rosée PL, Schorb E, Ambrosetti A, Roth A, Hemmaway C, Ferrari A, Linton KM, Rudà R, Binder M, Pukrop T, Balzarotti M, Fabbri A, Johnson P, Gørløv JS, Hess G, Panse J, Pisani F, Tucci A, Stilgenbauer S, Hertenstein B, Keller U, Krause SW, Levis A, Schmoll HJ, Cavalli F, Finke J, Reni M, Zucca E, Illerhaus G; International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group (IELSG).
Chemoimmunotherapy with methotrexate, cytarabine, thiotepa, and rituximab (MATRix regimen) in patients with primary CNS lymphoma: results of the first randomisation of the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group-32 (IELSG32) phase 2 trial.
Lancet Haematol. 2016 May

Schorb E, Finke J, Ferreri AJ, Ihorst G, Mikesch K, Kasenda B, Fritsch K, Fricker H, Burger E, Grishina O, Valk E, Zucca E, Illerhaus G.
High-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplant compared with conventional chemotherapy for consolidation in newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma-a randomized phase III trial (MATRix).
BMC Cancer. 2016 Apr 21

Ferreri AJ, Illerhaus G.
The role of autologous stem cell transplantation in primary CNS lymphoma.
Blood. 2016 Feb 1

Chapuy B, Roemer MG, Stewart C, Tan Y, Abo RP, Zhang L, Dunford AJ, Meredith DM, Thorner AR, Jordanova ES, Liu G, Feuerhake F, Ducar MD, Illerhaus G, Gusenleitner D, Linden EA, Sun HH, Homer H, Aono M, Pinkus GS, Ligon AH, Ligon KL, Ferry JA, Freeman GJ, van Hummelen P, Golub TR, Getz G, Rodig SJ, de Jong D, Monti S, Shipp MA.
Targetable genetic features of primary testicular and primary central nervous system lymphomas.
Blood. 2016 Feb 18

Publikationen 2015

Spies E, Fichtner M, Müller F, Krasemann S, Illerhaus G, Glatzel M, Binder M, Trepel M.
Comment on "Primary Central Nervous System (CNS) Lymphoma B Cell Receptors Recognize CNS Proteins".
J Immunol. 2015 Nov 15

Stein A, Atanackovic D, Hildebrandt B, Stübs P, Brugger W, Hapke G, Steffens CC, Illerhaus G, Bluemner E, Stöhlmacher J, Bokemeyer C.                                                                           
Upfront FOLFOXIRI+bevacizumab followed by fluoropyrimidin and bevacizumab maintenance in patients with molecularly unselected metastatic colorectalcancer.         
Br J Cancer. 2015 Sep

Haaß W, Kleiner H, Weiß C, Haferlach C, Schlegelberger B, Müller MC, Hehlmann R, Hofmann WK, Fabarius A, Seifarth W; Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klinische Krebsforschung; German CML Study Group, Illerhaus G Collaborator                                            
Clonal Evolution and Blast Crisis Correlate with Enhanced Proteolytic Activity of Separase in BCR-ABL b3a2 Fusion Type CML under Imatinib Therapy.                             
PLoS One. 2015 Jun

Illerhaus G.
III. Curent concepts  in primary central nervous lymphoma.
Hematol Oncol. 2015 Jun

O'Neill A, Mikesch K, Fritsch K, Kasenda B, Banerjee L, Burns F, Zakout G, Johnston R, Illerhaus G, Cwynarski K.
Outcomes for HIV-positive patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma after high-dose chemotherapy and auto-SCT.
Bone Marrow Transplant. 2015 Apr 13

Kasenda B, Schorb E, Fritsch K, Finke J, Illerhaus G.
Prognosis after high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem-cell transplantation as first-line treatment in primary CNS Lymphoma – a long-term follow-up study.
Ann Oncol. 2015 Mar

Kasenda B, Ferreri AJ, Marturano E, Forst D, Bromberg J, Ghesquieres H, Ferlay C, Blay JY, Hoang-Xuan K, Pulczynski EJ, Fosså A, Okoshi Y, Chiba S, Fritsch K, Omuro A, O'Neill BP, Bairey O, Schandelmaier S, Gloy V, Bhatnagar N, Haug S, Rahner S, Batchelor TT, Illerhaus G, Briel M.
First-line treatment and outcome of elderly patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)-a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis.
Ann Oncol. 2015 Feb

Hoffknecht P, Tufman A, Wehler T, Pelzer T, Wiewrodt R, Schütz M, Serke M, Stöhlmacher-Williams J, Märten A, Maria Huber R, Dickgreber NJ; Afatinib Compassionate Use Consortium (ACUC), Illerhaus G Collaborator
Efficacy of the irreversible ErbB family blocker afitinib in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI)-pretreated non-small-cell lung cancer patients with brain metastases or leptomeningeal disease.
J Thorac Oncol. 2015 Jan

Publikationen 2014

Experience with afatinib in patients with non-small cell lung cancer progressing after clinical benefit from gefitinib and erlotinib.
Schuler M, Fischer JR, Grohé C, Gütz S, Thomas M, Kimmich M, Schneider CP, Laack E, Märten A; Afatinib Compassionate Use Consortium.
Oncologist. 2014 Oct;19(10):1100-9. doi: 10.1634/theoncologist.2014-0103. Epub 2014 Sep 17.

The trabectome as treatment option in secondary glaucoma due to intraocular lymphoma.
van Oterendorp C, Ness T, Illerhaus G, Neuburger M, Jordan JF.
J Glaucoma. 2014 Sep;23(7):482-4. doi: 10.1097/IJG.0b013e31827a0875.

Older patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (≥65 years) profit more from higher imatinib doses than younger patients: a subanalysis of the randomized CML-Study IV.
Proetel U, Pletsch N, Lauseker M, Müller MC, Hanfstein B, Krause SW, Kalmanti L, Schreiber A, Heim D, Baerlocher GM, Hofmann WK, Lange E, Einsele H, Wernli M, Kremers S, Schlag R, Müller L, Hänel M, Link H, Hertenstein B, Pfirrman M, Hochhaus A, Hasford J, Hehlmann R, Saußele S; German Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Study Group; Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klinische Krebsforschung (SAKK).

Impact of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with PELF-protocoll versus surgery alone in the treatment of advanced gastric carcinoma.
Ruf C, Thomusch O, Goos M, Makowiec F, Illerhaus G, Ruf G.
BMC Surg. 2014 Jan 24;14:5. doi: 10.1186/1471-2482-14-5.

Publikationen 2013

Illerhaus G:
Primäre ZNS-Lymphome. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2013 Dec; 138(49):2515-8

Doolittle ND, Korfel A, Lubow MA, Schorb E, Schlegel U, Rogowski S, Fu R, Dósa E, Illerhaus G, Kraemer DF, Muldoon LL, Calabrese P, Hedrick N, Tyson RM, Jahnke K, Maron LM, Butler RW, Neuwelt EA:
Long-term cognitive function, neuroimaging, and quality of life in primary CNS lymphoma. Neurology 2013 Jul 2; 81(1):84-92

Schorb E, Kasenda B, Atta J, Kaun S, Morgner A, Hess G, Elter T, von Bubnoff N, Dreyling M, Ringhoffer M, Krause SW, Derigs G, Klimm B, Niemann D, Fritsch K, Finke J, Illerhaus G:
Prognosis of patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma after high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation. Haematologica 2013 May; 98(5):765-70

Kasenda B, Haug V, Schorb E, Fritsch K, Finke J, Mix M, Hader C, Weber WA, Illerhaus G, Meyer PT:
18F-FDG PET is an independent outcome predictor in primary central nervous system lymphoma. J Nucl Med. 2013 Feb; 54(2):184-91

Korfel A, Elter T, Thiel E, Hänel M, Möhle R, Schroers R, Reiser M, Dreyling M, Eucker J, Scholz C, Metzner B, Röth A, Birkmann J, Schlegel U, Martus P, Illerhaus G, Fischer L:
Phase II study of central nervous system (CNS)-directed chemotherapy including high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation for CNS relapse of aggressive lymphomas. Haematologica 2013 Mar; 98(3):364-70

Bergner N, Monsef I, Illerhaus G, Engert A, Skoetz N:
Role of chemotherapy additional to high-dose methotrexate for primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL). Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Nov 14; Review

Bromberg JE, Doorduijn JK, Illerhaus G, Jahnke K, Korfel A, Fischer L, Fritsch K, Kuittinen O, Issa S, van Montfort C, van den Bent MJ:
Central nervous system recurrence of systemic lymphoma in the era of stem cell transplantation - an International Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Study Group project. Haematologica 2013 May; 98(5):808-13

Stein A, Glockzin G, Wienke A, Arnold D, Edelmann T, Hildebrandt B, Hollerbach S, Illerhaus G, Königsrainer A, Richter M, Schlitt HJ, Schmoll HJ:
Treatment with bevacizumab and FOLFOXIRI in patients with advanced colorectal cancer: presentation of two novel trials (CHARTA and PERIMAX) and review of the literature. BMC Cancer 2012 Aug 16; Review

Verschiedene Buchkapitel in: Das Rote Buch, Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie. Ecomed-Verlag, 5th edition; Onkologie, Ecomed-Verlag, 4th edition